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Chanserv Commands

Nickserv Commands

ChanServ Help
- ChanServ allows users to register a channel.
- Using ChanServ allows the channel to be
- controlled without need of an IRC bot and makes
- channel takeovers virtually impossible. ChanServ
- will drop a registered channel if no AOp's or
- SOp's join the channel for 20 days.

Chanserv Commands:
- REGISTER - Register a channel
- SOP - Manipulate the SOp list of a channel
- AOP - Manipulate the AOp list of a channel
- AKICK - Manipulate the AKICK list of a channel
- DROP - Drop a registered channel
- SET - Change channel settings
Other ChanServ Commands:
- OP
- For detailed info: /msg ChanServ help
- Here is other Commands not in Chanserv help
- UNBAN - unBan yourself from a channel where you are a Op

Nickserv Help
- NickServ allows users to register their nicknames.
- After registration, the user can disconnect users using
- their nick. If the user does not use the nick for 20
- days, the nick expires and becomes available for reg-
- istration by any user.

- Nickserv Commands:
- REGISTER - Register a nickname
- IDENTIFY - Identify to your nickname
- RECOVER - Recover your nickname
- RELEASE - Release an enforcer thats holding your nick
- GHOST - Ghost a user who is using your nick
- ACCESS - Change/View your access lists
- DROP - Drop registration of your nick
- SET - Change the settings/options of your nick
- INFO - Get information on a registered nick
- ACC - Check the access of a user to a nick
- LDAP - List available LDAP info on a nick
- For detailed information: /msg NickServ help
Detailed Chanserv Commands
- Command - REGISTER
- Usage - REGISTER
- Used to register a channel with ChanServ.
- After registering your channel, you wont need
- an IRC bot to maintain ops, and you wont need
- to worry about channel takeovers.
- Example: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #taz MypassworD taz's
- channel


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - SOP
- Usage - SOP ADD
- SOp's have the second most control of a
- channel. The founder is the only one who
- can add/delete an SOp. The WIPE command
- will clear out the entire SOp list.
- Examples: /msg ChanServ SOP #taz add entropi
- /msg ChanServ SOP #taz del *dalvenja@*.dal.net
- /msg ChanServ SOP #taz WIPE


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - AOP
- Usage - AOP ADD
- AOp's have the third level of access on a
- channel. Only an SOp can add or delete an
- AOp. The WIPE command will clear out
- the entire AOp list.
- Examples: /msg ChanServ AOP #taz add theri
- /msg ChanServ AOP #taz del *benny@*ef.net
- /msg ChanServ AOP #taz WIPE


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - AKICK
- Usage - AKICK ADD
- AKICK's can be placed by AOp's, SOp's and the
- founder of the channel. If a user matches an
- entry in your channel akick list, he is immed-
- iately kicked and banned from your channel.
- The WIPE command will clear out the entire
- AKICK list.
- Examples: /msg ChanServ AKICK #taz add acire
- /msg ChanServ AKICK #taz del *acire@arpa.com
- /msg ChanServ AKICK #taz WIPE


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - DROP
- Usage - DROP
- Used to drop channel registration. Only
- the founder can do this.
- Example: /msg ChanServ DROP #taz


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - SET
- Usage - SET []
- This command allows you to change a channels
- settings and procedures. You need to be identied
- to the channel to change any of these settings.
- Available settings:
FOUNDER - Change channel founder
PASSWD - Change channel password
DESC - Change channel description
MLOCK - Set channel mode lock
URL - Change channel URL
RESTRICT - Only allow AOp's and SOp's in the channel
IDENT - Ops need to identify to NickServ before being opped
OPGUARD - Only AOp's and SOp's can be opped
TOPICLOCK - Only the founder can change the topic
- For more information on a setting:
- /msg ChanServ help (setting)


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - FOUNDER
- Used to change the founder of a channel. The
- new founder must be a registered nick.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #sadgirl FOUNDER sadgirl


Back to Chanserv Set Commands

- Command - PASSWD
- Usage - SET PASSWD
- Used to change the password for your channel.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #ham PASSWD oldpass newp4ss


Back to Chanserv Set Commands

- Command - DESC
- Usage - SET DESC
- Used to change the description of your channel
- which will be showed to all users when the
- request information on it.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #dragon DESC the dragon channel


Back to Chanserv Set Commands

- Command - MLOCK
- Usage - SET MLOCK
- The founder of a channel can lock the modes
- of a channel by using the mlock command.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #blah MLOCK +stn


Back to Chanserv Set Commands

- Command - URL
- Usage - SET URL
- Used to change the url of your channel. The
- url of your channel will be available to any
- user that requests info on your channel
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #ufo's URL www.weirdufos.org


Back to Chanserv Set Commands

- Command - RESTRICT
- Used to allow only AOp/SOp/VOp's into your
- channel. Everyone else will be kick/banned as
- they join.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #dragon RESTRICT on


Back to Chanserv Set Commands

- Command - IDENT
- Usage - SET IDENT [ON|OFF]
- If you set ident on, your AOp/SOp/VOp's
- will only be opped if they have identified to
- NickServ with their nick password.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #dragon IDENT on


Back to Chanserv Set Commands

- Command - OPGUARD
- If you set opguard on, only your AOp/SOp's
- can be opped in your channel. Anyone else that is
- opped will automatically deopped by ChanServ.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #dragon OPGUARD on

- Command - TOPICLOCK
- This setting will allow only the ops you want
- to change your topic. Anyone who is not auth-
- orized to change the topic of your channel and
- tries to change it will have the topic reset
- back to what it was.
- Example: /msg ChanServ SET #dragon TOPICLOCK SOP

- Command - IDENTIFY
- Usage - IDENTIFY
- To gain founder access to a channel, you
- would use the identify command. After
- identifying to a channel, you have complete
- control over it.
- Example: /msg ChanServ IDENTIFY #beef st3ak


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - ACCESS
- Usage - ACCESS []
- Use the access command to find out what
- access level you or another user have to a
- registered channel. The following values
- can be returned by ChanServ:
- 6 - Identified as founder of the channel
- 5 - Identified to the founders nick
- 4 - Matches channel founder access list
- 3 - Channel SOp
- 2 - Channel AOp
- 1 - Normal user
- -1 - AKICK'ed user
- Example: /msg ChanServ ACCESS #taz jimmy


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - OP
- Usage - OP
- If you are an AOp on a channel, you can use
- services to op people in a channel.
- Example: /msg ChanServ OP #taz webmaster


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - DEOP
- Usage - DEOP
- If you are an AOp on a channel, you can use
- services to deop people in a channel.
- Example: /msg ChanServ DEOP #taz webmaster


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - INVITE
- Usage - INVITE
- If you are an AOp on a channel, you can use
- services to invite yourself to it.
- Example: /msg ChanServ INVITE #sadgirl


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - MDEOP
- Usage - MDEOP
- Used to deop every user in the channel including
- yourself. You must be an SOp in the channel to
- use this command.
- Example: /msg ChanServ MDEOP #eclipse


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - MKICK
- Usage - MKICK
- Used to kick every user out of your channel.
- You must be an SOp in the channel to use this
- command.
- Example: /msg ChanServ MKICK #empire


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - INFO
- Usage - INFO
- The info command will show you the avail-
- able information on a channel including founder,
- registration time, channel options and more.
- Example: /msg ChanServ INFO #wd


Back to Chanserv Commands

- Command - UNBAN
- Usage - UNBAN
- unbans you from a channel you have Op's on
- Example: /msg Chanserv UNBAN #BabyPlay me


Back to Chanserv Commands

-Detailed Nickserv Commands
- Command - REGISTER
- Usage - REGISTER
- This is used to register your nickname with
- NickServ. After registering your nickname, only
- the people that you give access to can use it.
- When registering a nick, an entry is added to
- your nick access list. If your user@host mark is
- david@, then *david@203.245.259.*
- is automatically added to your access list. For
- more information on your access list, use:
- /msg NickServ help ACCESS
- Example: /msg NickServ REGISTER MypassworD jim@dal.net


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - IDENTIFY
- Usage - IDENTIFY
- To gain full access to a registered nick, you
- need to use the identify command. After
- identifying to a nick, you can change any
- setting you want of a registered nick.
- Example: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY i_luv_sg


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - RECOVER
- Usage - RECOVER
- If a user is using your nick and you haven't
- turned nick kill on, you can use this command
- to disconnect the user and recover your nick.
- After using the recover command, you need to
- use the release command to get the nick back.
- Example: /msg NickServ RECOVER jimmy jimpassword


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - RELEASE
- Usage - RELEASE
- If your nick is being held by a nick enforcer
- or is being held because you used the recover
- command, use this command to release the nick so
- you can use it again.
- Example: /msg NickServ RELEASE jimmy jimpassword


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - GHOST
- Usage - GHOST
- If someone is using your registered nick, or
- you have become disconnected yet your client
- still is online, you can use the ghost
- command to disconnect the client.
- Example: /msg NickServ GHOST webmaster webpass


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - ACCESS
- Usage - ACCESS LIST []
- This is used to add, delete, and list your access
- masks. If a user matches an entry in your access
- list, he won't need to identify to use the nick.
- Examples: /msg NickServ ACCESS DEL *taz@*.dls.net
- /msg NickServ ACCESS ADD *taz@*.dal.net


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - DROP
- Usage - DROP
- This will drop all registration of the nick
- you own and make it available for any user
- to register.
- Example: /msg NickServ DROP taz


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - SET
- Usage - SET []
- After you have registered your nick, you can
- change the settings with the set command.
- You must identify to NickServ before being
- able to change any settings.
- Available settings:
EMAIL - Change your email address
KILL - Set nick kill on/off
URL - Change your URL
NOMEMO - Disable memo receive service
NOOP - Disable being AOP/SOP'ed
PASSWD - Change your nick password
SHOWEMAIL - Allow users to see your email address
- For more information on a setting use:
- /msg NickServ help (setting)

- Command - EMAIL
- Usage - SET EMAIL
- If you need to change your email address, you
- use this command.
- Example: /msg NickServ SET EMAIL jim@jim.net


Back to Nickserv Set Commands

- Command - KILL
- Usage - SET KILL
- To have any user that uses your nick dis-
- connected if they dont match your access mask
- and dont know your nick password, set kill on.
- Example: /msg NickServ SET KILL ON


Back to Nickserv Set Commands

- Command - URL
- Usage - SET URL
- If you need to change your url, you use
- this command.
- Example: /msg NickServ SET URL http://www.dal.net


Back to Nickserv Set Commands

- Command - NOMEMO
- Usage - SET NOMEMO
- To disable users from sending memos to you,
- set nomemo on.
- Example: /msg NickServ SET NOMEMO ON


Back to Nickserv Set Commands

- Command - NOOP
- Usage - SET NOOP
- To disable users from adding you to channel
- AOP/SOP lists, set noop on.
- Example: /msg NickServ SET NOOP ON


Back to Nickserv Set Commands

- Command - PASSWD
- Usage - SET PASSWD
- This command is used to change your nick
- password.
- Example: /msg NickServ SET PASSWD oldpass newpass


Back to Nickserv Set Commands

- Command - SHOWEMAIL
- To allow users to see your email address,
- set showemail on.
- Example: /msg NickServ SET SHOWEMAIL ON


Back to Nickserv Set Commands

- Command - INFO
- Usage - INFO
- Used to view all available information on
- a registered nick.
- Example: /msg NickServ INFO benny


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - ACC
- Usage - ACC
- If you want to see if a user owns a nickname,
- you use the acc command. After using the
- acc command, NickServ will reply with an
- access level that the online user has to the
- registered nick. The possible values are:
- 3 - User has identified and owns the nick
- 2 - User matches the nicks access masks
- 1 - User does not own the nick
- 0 - User is not online
- Example: /msg NickServ ACC dalvenjah


Back to Nickserv Commands

- Command - LDAP
- Usage - LDAP
- Used to view LDAP information for a nick.
- Example: /msg NickServ LDAP joelkatz


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