SelfPT.gif - 9636 Bytes

page1.gif - 2973 Bytes

babyplay1.gif - 72441 Bytes

Well here is my self portrait I hope you will send in yours soon to be hung up on Da Fridge

canuckiep.gif - 3663 Bytes

Canuckie.gif - 8111 Bytes

When you do your Self Portrait please add stuff that helps to describe you as I have done it isn't how good you draw but, the things you add and write on the picture that make it fun and a self portrait :o)

And the main thing is have fun when doing it :o)

Here is the Self Portrits sent in by my frwends on BabyPlay Chat Channel

babyslavep.gif - 3828 Bytes

slave.gif - 19365 Bytes

babymarvp.gif - 3853 Bytes

drawings/babypic.gif - 47745 Bytes

momsterp.gif - 5582 Bytes

drawings/M_AND_B.gif - 32035 Bytes

adorabledonnap.gif - 5037 Bytes

rumba.gif - 13231 Bytes

page2.gif - 2970 Bytes

menuname/fridge.gif - 3719 Bytes
menuname/home.gif - 3454 Bytes